Susan Strauss’ books and recordings of individual stories can be purchased with a mail-in form.
To order books or CDs, print the order form (PDF), fill out by hand, and mail to the address on the form, which includes prices and shipping information.
Books for purchase

Tree With Golden Apples:
Botanical & Agricultural Wisdom in World Myth
New book from Susan’s nature series:
A collection of twelve traditional stories from world cultures which present archetypal images of the miraculous gifts of botanical life on earth. Dr. Ian Edwards, Director of Public Engagement, Royal Botanical Gardens Edinburgh (retired) introduces each story with a description of the scientific, botanical elements in the story.
Available format: Hardcover paperback
Cost: $35.00 (price on order form to corrected soon)

The Passionate Fact:
Storytelling in Natural History and Cultural Interpretation
The Passionate Fact looks at how storytelling is distinct from information giving. How it demands interaction with audience, introspection and self-reflection for the presenter to be effective. How it translates content or information into image and weaves together beauty and truth. This book asks us to understand how storytelling does its work and develop in our presenting “a story way of giving information.”
Available format: Paperback

Coyote Stories:
Tales from Native America
The wily, trickster, sacred fool/ hero makes his tracks, tracks, tracks through four Native American myths, plus “Railroad Coyote,” a humorous true-life story from a Southern Oregon rancher. Myths include: Coyote Gets His Name (Okanogan), At-At-Hila, Monster Woman At the Coast (Wasco), Coyote and Spider (Karok) and Coyote and the Grass People (Assiniboin). Includes a general introduction relating the mythic Coyote to the biological coyote and the history of failed efforts to irradiate the coyote in the west. Also, includes an essay, “Are These Stories True?” which relates a Native perspective on mythology.
Available formats: Hardcover, paperback, CD

Wolf Stories:
Myths and True Life Tales from Around the World
A collection of ancient myths revealing the positive and revered archetype of the wolf. Pre-dating Little Red Riding Hood, these stories from ancient cultures of Japan to Germany, the wolf was admired as a loyal parent and spouse, predator who keeps the cycles of life in motion, the spirit guide who knows about truth beyond facade and the guardian of mystery. These archetypes are supported by anecdotes from wolf biologists.
To order books or CDs, print the order form (PDF), fill out by hand, and mail to the address on the form, which includes prices and shipping information.

Tracks, Tracks, Tracks: Native American Coyote Tales
Stories: Fox Sings the World (D’Angelo), Coyote Gets His Name (Okanagon), Coyote Meets Numozoho (Paiute), Coyote & Spider (Karok), The Swallowing Monster (Nez Perce), At’At’Hila at the Coast (Wasco).
CD: $11.95

Dreams of Animals: Mythic & Personal Stories of Animals
Creation of Day & Night (Nez Perce), Pond’s Story (original), Coyote Goes to the Sky (Karok), A Bee in Suburbia (original), Five Sparrows (Japan), Coyote Brings Salmon to Columbia River (Wishram), Snow White & Rose Red (German), Br’er Rabbit & Br’er Snake (African American), God, Too, Lives in Northern New Jersey (original).
CD: $11.95

Birds of Fortune: Blessing Stories from the Book of Nature
Stories include: Yggdrasil, The World Tree (Nordic), Coyote & Farting Boy (Nez Perce), Language of the Birds (Hassidic Jewish), When Woman Became the Sea (Costa Rican), Loon Mother (Athapascan), Heyoke Brings Water to Sundance (original), A Refugee from Suburbia (original), Birds of Fortune (Japan). Flute, drum, marimba and violin accompaniment by Jo Booser.
CD: $11.95

Coyote Gets A Cadillac & Other Wild Tales
Traditional and original tales with an environmental ethic theme, including: A Cricket in Washington, D.C. (Jerry), Coyote and the Grass People (Assiniboin), Crow’s Story (original), Coyote Goes to the Sky (Karok), God Too, Lives in Northern New Jersey (original), Coyote Gets A Cadillac (original), Little Red Riding Boots Moves to L.A.(original), Skidi Pawnee Creation of North American & the Wolf.
CD: $11.95